The Giganet brand is a high quality , high performance cabling system which provides enhanced security for the physical network with patented Modular Termination plug ( MTP) .
The ANSI/TIA-5017 Telecommunications Physical Network Standard covers the security of telecommunications cables, pathways, spaces, and other elements of the physical infrastructure, according to the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA). The standard “includes design guidelines, installation practices, administration, and management,” the association continues. “This standard addresses guidelines for new construction as well as renovation of existing buildings. The standard also provides installation guidelines for implementing security cabling systems for premises security systems with an integrated security approach.”
It recognizes three levels of cabling infrastructure security: SL1 (basic security installation), SL2 (tamper-resistant installation), and SL3 (critical security installation).
A Giganet Category 6A system coupled with high performance Modular Termination Plug ensures maximum security and bandwidth for POE applications for CCTV , Access control , Digital Signage , Video Screens and Enterprise Wireless .